Forty pages collected by South Dakota Canvassing Group as of 07/16/2019
These links from an Illinois patriot: Before you read this, you should read #5 from the links below this group!
Other links of mine I’ve collected:
11/2022 - ES&S concedes IA Scott County House District 81 race
In 2003, U.S. Senate Ethics Director Chuck Hagel failed to disclose, then resigned in shame from ethics committee. Omaha World Herald also a beneficial owner of ES&S. Hagel “…was required to disclose these positions on his FEC Personal Disclosure statements, but he did not.”
11/07/2023 - ES&S admits to manipulating the Northampton County, PA judges race. This is Rep. Milou Mackenzie's scathing demand for names and mass resignations. Also
11/2022 and 11/2023 - ES&S machines failed in Dallas County, TX ( which county also had the machines process after polling place hours voters who didn't vote in November 2022. Their reckless and preposterous defense was that their 4G networked devices won't operate with the cellular network that allows 5G operation even though their products supposedly work fine without connectivity in MANY other election jurisdictions! Additionally for the second year in a row, their poll books in this county obviously processed voters improperly that didn't show up. (
11/10/2022 - ES&S machines count fraudulently in a tiny precinct in South Dakota. Unforgivably short-counts by 75 in a precinct totaling a mere 356 voters! Credit to Robert Borer’s Substack “We the People”.
08/2023 - District 2 County Supervisor implicates ES&S machines and election officials in Hinds County, MS and his case is before a supreme court. Other Hinds County election cheating problems.
One angry liberal on the right side; Jennifer Cohen’s Dec 2020 rant on ES&S
Antrim County, MI ES&S machines have functioning modems
I can’t resist this Dominion voting machine crime in an election race where 4 winners will be declared from 8 candidates on the ballot, half are Democrats, half are Republicans. All the Republican candidates won but had 300 votes (+- 1%) each stolen from them by the Dominion machines, and the leading Democrat candidate was gifted 100 votes (+- 1%) by the machines. The candidates’ names were randomized in their positions on each ballot, per their “analyst” . How much more obvious can the fraud be? But rather than charge Dominion with the crime, accessory “analysts” blame the problem on creases in the paper of the ballots. So we are to superstitiously believe that the creases in the ballots sought out the Republican candidates to steal 300 votes from each of them and gift 100 votes to the Democrat candidate in the best position to win. Very smart creases indeed! No, actually very stupid “analysts” and very evil voting machines. Now, here is how ES&S gets implicated - ES&S should use the failures of their “competition” (Dominion) in their marketing. Do they? NOPE! Both those two companies are related by the Urosevich brothers.
I don’t know anything about their business/liability insurance, but I’d hate to be the company insuring ES&S! And how do we find out who that is? Public Records Request. Whoever their insurance company is just might care about the liability they’re into.
Research tool if you’re willing to do research on your own and forgive the unwieldiness of a spreadsheet
Dear Concerned Patriots,
If you know of other links that belong with those above, please submit a comment with those links below.
Thank you and God bless you!
Click here to launch your own search in Substack for all posts that mention “ES&S”
Web search using “” search tool. Initial search is for ES&S "hand recount"
Since Robert Borer is yet another person who has done more thorough research into ES&S than I have, I’m listing links to some of his Substacks where I’ve found he mentions ES&S:
Thanks for sharing these links, Kenneth. I'm sharing them on.